
- Prof. Emer Smyth, Economic and Social Research Institute
- Dr Linda Hargreaves, University of Cambridge
- Prof. Maurice Galton, University of Cambridge
- Prof. Martin Mills, Institute of Education, University College London
- Prof. Wendy Lutterell, City University of New York
- Assoc. Prof. Susan Morton, University of Auckland
- Prof. Katariina Salmela-Aro, University of Helsinki
- Prof. Pam Sammons, University of Oxford
- Prof. Anne Trine Kjorholt, NTNU, Norway
- Dr Line Knudsen, ScotCen (NatCent Social Research, UK
- Prof. Leonidas Kyriakides, University of Cyprus
The CSL study uses a cross- sequential longitudinal design, producing a rich
set of mixed methods data. This is generated through a nationally representative quantitative study and in-depth case studies of a sub-sample of schools.
The Children’s School Lives Study has been approved by the University College Dublin Human Research Ethics Committee.
International experts in specific areas of research design and researching with children are involved in advising the CSL team on their study methods.